Dee’s Nuts is a monthly comedy talk show hosted by 206’s own Tibetan-American comedian Dewa Dorje (Dank Moms Podcast) featuring DJ Yaddy (KEXP) on the music. The show will feature a stand up comedians and other talented folks you need to know. Come down to the Here After on a hump day. Let’s laugh, get silly, and listen to some cuts.
Dewa Dorje is a Tibetan American stand up comedian and single mom of two. She jokes about life’s hardships with a smile and explicit honesty that make her hilarious and easy to love. Dewa says her jokes are “rooted in feminism and anti-white supremacy” AND she also has an inordinate amount of “stepping in shit” stories(not metaphorically). Dewa is passionate about healing intergenerational trauma, vintage stuff (from the 80s and before), and hot babes.
Instagram: @dewadorje WWW.DEWADORJE.COM twitter: @theonlydewa
DJ Yaddy is blowin up!!! She’s been hosting parties since her teens, which led her to to spinning at nightclubs all over the US. Yaddy is a DJ at KEXP hosting the popular Street Sounds on Friday nights from 10p-1am. When not DJing, she’s inspiring students in her Special Education classroom. Yaddy spins on stage during the show interweaving music, comedy, and riffing with Dewa.